Greetings -- a summary of your UCRCoA Leadership Benefits, Powers, and Authority.
(Note: If you are, so far, only a Member upon our 3200+ internetworked Yahoo! Groups, please DO consider stepping up to fill yet another communication gap, by volunteering as a Leader for either your county, state, or maybe even higher...)
Below, there are first detailed the common Benefits, Powers and Authorities of all public-side Leaders, then the specific Benefits, Powers and Authorities of each level of leadership (jump via link directly to): County, State, Regional and National, and, finally, some extra and important information for, again, all public-side Leaders.
You are one of the most envisioned leaders within the entire, overall family rights/liberty/freedom social movement.  As merging from one of the seven family law reform areas that UCRCoA covers, plus our many friends from the general Due Process and Constitutional movement(s), it is easy to understand *why* we have 140+ organizations already involved, 250+ State leaders, 700+ Counties covered by a listed leader, 3000+ people upon our 50 state groups, and around 20,000 on our county groups across America, all adding voice and passion to *the good fight* for family law reform!  You are part of THE biggest thing going (by far..) for *true working unity* within the entire American family rights movement :)
Use your almost-free UCRCoA Business Cards.  Quite a number of times, I have heard reports from a Leader or Member about how just letting "the court" or "their side" know they were part of UCRCoA apparently made "them" back off a bit...  It's one thing for you, all by your pro se self, to "go against City Hall" all by yourself, but it's quite another thing for "their Club" to realize you are part of "our Club" - a big enough "Club" to help balance some things out...  Use your advantage of being part of a BIG "Club"...  Your nearly-free biz cards are available for immediate download right here (just read the "readme how-to" file there, first), and all you need is your printer, and biz card sheets available at Wal-Mart or anywhere:
Also, of course, you will want to have some extras handy to pass out occasionally...
The UCRCoA online Members Folder is a great resource for you and others, containing downloadable templates, forms, and info-paks on various family rights issues, such as FERPA, FOIA, HIPAA,  and PPRA.  There is also a full collection of individual county maps for each of the 50 States, PDF "how to" sheets on finding tons of *local-to-you* supporters, e-z training for American Businesses on our issues, and various other things of use...  Visit the online Members Folder at:
Since you are part of THE largest collection of family rights type advocates listed online in America, all by geography, you already KNOW that you can "hook up" virtually all of your friends in need, with someone from UCRCoA right in their own area, too.  It's nice to have the largest saturation of geo-online communications coverage available in American family rights issues.  Send your friends to your fellow State and County UCRCoA leaders, anytime they need help:
Net shares of annual ParentStock Event incomes:  All of the State and higher leadership positions on the public side of UCRCoA will be automatically shared their share of net proceeds/income from their own matching *Regional* ParentStock annual Event.  It is much too complicated of a formula for reasonable balance and sharing to be explained here, but suffice it to say that each of the eight (8) upper (Regional & National) leadership receive about double what each of the average 50-60 State Directors within the same Region receives, due to the more personal time spent annually on ensuring the success of that same matching Regional Event.  Each of the seven Regions, i.e., all UCRCoA leaders within a given Region, are to promote their *own* Regional ParentStock Event, and the possible net shares are only limited by your own Region's overall efforts: (your own Regional & two matching National leaders run your own Regional Event.., and the "first dibs" for speaking/seminars at Regional ParentStock annual Events go to your own crop of State Directors, with second dibs to your many County Leaders)
Powers and Authority:
To grasp the entire picture, you need to understand that there are *TWO* sides of UCRCoA, the much-larger "public" side (action alerts, public events, news, family issues discussions, etc.), and the smaller, background "legal" side.
Please take a quick 30-second visual at the color-coded UCRCoA Org Chart (it's on the website, too):
Both sides (public + legal) have leadership levels, and the tops mix together on the full National Board.
The main parameters of each of the legal side Scholars (leaders) are provided here:
and Scholars are made Moderators of their respective UCRCoA Legal Y! Groups, same as the public side works.
I will soon distribute further legal-side-specific information out to all Scholars on our legal Groups, privately.
Now, describing for each leadership role on the larger, public-side (for MOST of you):
---> County Team Leaders
You are listed online here (just click your given State in the drop-down box):
If you need to update any of your displayed information, just fill out the online form at the very top of that page.
The current one-listing-per-county display is soon to be upgraded to three leaders/county displayed.
As a county/city local Leader, you are automatically in charge of any UCRCoA events held in your own area, duh, and for those any such specific events or actions, you have temporary rank in vote power equal to any National Board Director.
As a listed Local Leader for UCRCoA, you automatically also are listed as a local ParentStock Event Leader, so there are more ways in which we can send you likeminded, pro-Parents supporters, to accomplish more in your area, even faster:
You are in direct command-and-control, at your own local level, of any mass-action/class-action litigation that comes from the legal side of UCRCoA, i.e., as for entering Constitutional challenges at either statewide or nationwide scope.
You are further authorized to decide and direct all local tasks, people, and resources, as needed, as long as the plans and goals are in good keeping with the UCRCoA seven areas of family law reform advocacy, or similar lawful goals:
You have "first dibs" on any open, available State leadership positions, if there is ever any issue within that realm.
You have organizational RIGHTS to have your personal court-watching needs disseminated on your State Group, but please always try to plan ahead at least 3 days to ensure proper coverage and the actual, later receipts and reads...
You have organizational RIGHTS to be joined onto and participating within any/all of your matching higher UCRCoA official Groups approved for all Local Leaders, including your own State Group, your own Regional Group, and any of the online Groups of people dedicated to the UCRCoA ten (10) main Focus Areas, linked per our Mission Statement:
You have organizational RIGHTS to be notified of and listen to all monthly conference calls by your State Board, and to also speak and/or otherwise participate in the same, time permitting and on first-come, first-served ("queue") basis.
You are to have MODERATOR rights and privileges on your own matching UCRCoA Local/County Group, and the powers, rights and duties to remove and/or ban anyone from your Group that is confirmed as not belonging there.
As you remain a Local Leader listed in good standing with UCRCoA, you are also authorized to run a regular website (.com, .net, .org, etc.) in the name of UCRCoA, specifically for your matching Local Group and fellow advocates, as long as your any "forum" links point right back, duh, to your own same matching UCRCoA Local/County Yahoo! Group.
More general information is available to help you at
You also have "second dibs" on available, matching openings to speak and/or give a seminar at your matching annual Regional ParentStock Event (wknd of fourth Sunday in July), within the category of speaking/seminaring that best matches your desired topic, should you prefer to attend your own Regional Event, as opposed to hosting your own Local ParentStock annual Event: (your own Regional & the matching two National leaders run your Regional Event.., and the "first dibs" for speaking/seminaring at Regional ParentStock Events go to all the corresponding State Board Directors)
---> State Board Directors
You are listed online here (just click your given State in the drop-down box):
You have an organizational RIGHT and duty to complete your online State leader profile, to set the proper example for others, and to promote and link your favorite related organization, by using your desired choice(s) of self-photo, other org logo and URL link, and by adding anything reasonable you would like to inform others about, in the "bio" for your profile.
If you need to update any of your displayed information, just fill out the online form at the very top of the State page.
Upon both (a) full completion of your online state leadership profile, above, and (b) being joined into your matching State Yahoo! Group, you will be given MODERATOR rights and privileges on that matching State Group, and the powers, rights and duties to remove and/or ban anyone from your Group that is confirmed as not belonging there, and to set calendars, auto-notices, and all sorts of things like that - as a total State Board, you and fellow Directors control your State Group.
As a State Director, you are automatically in charge of any UCRCoA events held statewide in your State, duh, and for those any such specific events or actions, you have temporary rank in vote power equal to any National Board Director.
You are in direct command-and-control, at your own state level, of any mass-action/class-action litigation that comes from the legal side of UCRCoA, i.e., as for entering Constitutional challenges at either statewide or nationwide scope.
You are further authorized to decide and direct all state tasks, people, and resources, as needed, as long as the plans and goals are in good keeping with the UCRCoA seven areas of family law reform advocacy, or similar lawful goals:
You have "first dibs" on any open, available higher leadership positions, if there is ever any issue within that realm.
You have organizational RIGHTS to have your personal court-watching needs disseminated on your State Group, and also upon your matching Regional Group (which is private, and only for any/all *listed* Leaders in that Region..), but please always try to plan ahead at least 3 days to ensure proper coverage and the actual, later receipts and reads...
You have organizational RIGHTS to be joined onto and participating within any/all of your own State's County Groups (and related duty to be on *some* of them, depending on your exact State role), and also any/all of your matching higher UCRCoA official Groups approved for all State Leaders, including your own Regional Group, and any of the online Groups of people dedicated to the UCRCoA ten (10) main Focus Areas, linked per our Mission Statement:
You have organizational RIGHTS to be notified of and listen to all monthly conference calls by your Regional Leadership, and to speak and/or otherwise participate in the same, time permitting and on first-come, first-served ("queue") basis.
The entire State Board is also authorized to run a regular website (.com, .net, .org, etc.) in the name of UCRCoA, and enhance and do whatever reasonably desired, specifically for your matching State Group and fellow advocates, as long as your any "forum" links point right back, duh, to your own same matching UCRCoA State Yahoo! Group.
More general information is available to help you at
You also have "FIRST dibs" on available, matching openings to speak and/or give a seminar at your matching annual Regional ParentStock Event (wknd of fourth Sunday in July), within the category of speaking/seminaring that best matches your desired topic, should you prefer to attend your own Regional Event, as opposed to hosting yet another big metro ParentStock Event: (your own Regional & National leaders run your Regional Event, not me..)
Being listed as a State Board Director for your own State is an automatic parallel and pre-requisite for being anything higher, i.e., to be a Regional or National leader.  In other words, if you are Regional or National, you are also State...
---> Regional Leaderships
You are listed online here (just click your own given Region, of the seven links):
If you need to update any of your displayed information, or you are volunteering for Regional, contact me directly.
There are two types of leadership for each Region, the five Operations Coordinators, plus the one Membership Director, as a total of six people, purposefully gender-balanced, as three sets of Dads and Moms each, over that Region.
No more than one Dad and one Mom, from any one (1) given State in that same Region, shall sit amongst the total of eight (8) upper leadership people representing that Region, which total of eight also includes the two (2) National Board Directors from that same respective Region, in order to help ensure balance of voice amongst their own States.
The five (5) Regional Operations Coordinators ("ROCs"), three Dads and two Moms, have an organizational RIGHT and duty to be joined onto ALL seven (7) or eight (8) State Groups, for the whole set of all States in their same Region, and once completed joining all of those, are bumped to full-blown MODERATORS on all of those same State Groups, in order to pass those same powers/rights to the State Directors who (a) completed their profile and (b) joined their State Group.
The one (1) Regional Membership Director for each Region has the same organizational RIGHT and duty to be joined onto the same set of either seven or eight State Groups, is also bumped to MODERATOR, for the same reasons, and has private, direct access to the actual two databases (state and county) used for all UCRCoA leadership, everywhere, with corresponding responsibility to add, update and/or otherwise maintain the leadership listings for their own Region.
All six (6) Regional Leaders have the RIGHT and duty to challenge the validity of any lower Leader being listed, as may from time to time be necessary, and, if an invalidity of such lower Leader be shown conclusively, by verifiable evidence, the corresponding and immediate RIGHT to have that invalid Leader promptly removed from the given UCRCoA listings.
All six (6) Regional Leaders are the MODERATORS, and the only Moderators, on that Region's private Regional Group.
All six (6) Regional Leaders have the RIGHT to be joined onto any County Group within their own Region, as needed.
Each of the five (5) "ROCs", along with their *co-equal* counterparts from the other six (6) Regions and also from the entire National Board, as each UPPER leader has two (2) of the ten (10) Focus Areas assigned to them, are therefore the total set of twelve (12) MODERATORS upon each of the corresponding online Yahoo! Groups of people dedicated to each of the UCRCoA ten (10) main Focus Areas, linked per our Mission Statement:
All six (6) Regional Leaders, and along with their own two (2) Nat'l Bd Dirs from the same Region, are the eight (8) people who are in total, overall charge of their respective *Regional* ParentStock annual Event, including grounds layout, deciding the exact times and "topical tracks" of all speakers, seminars, and etc., and virtually everything involved for the Event:
---> National Board Directors
You are listed online here, as one of 14 public-side and 11 legal-side top leaders:
If you need to update any of your displayed information, or you are volunteering for National, contact me directly.
From each of the seven (7) Regions, there is one (1) pair of "Parents", i.e., one (1) Dad and one (1) Mom, who are the direct and joint liaisons for their same entire matching Region, sitting upon the overall National Board.
No more than one Dad and one Mom, from any one (1) given State in that same Region, shall sit amongst the total of eight (8) upper leadership people representing that Region, which total of eight also includes the six (6) Regional Leaders from that same respective Region, in order to help ensure balance of voice amongst their own States.
All twenty-five (25) National Board Directors have the RIGHT and duty to challenge the validity of ANY lower Leader, anywhere within the entire UCRCoA organization, either "side" of UCRCoA, from being listed, as may from time to time be necessary, and, if an invalidity of such lower Leader be shown conclusively, by verifiable evidence, the corresponding and immediate RIGHT to have that invalid Leader promptly removed from the given UCRCoA listings.
National Board Directors have the RIGHT to be joined into any and/or all of the 50 State Groups, as personally desired.
National Board Directors have the RIGHT to be joined into any County Group of the States in their own Region/Circuit.
Each of the National Board Directors, along with their *co-equal* counterparts from all seven (7) Regions, as each UPPER leader has two (2) of the ten (10) Focus Areas assigned to them, are therefore the total set of twelve (12) MODERATORS upon each of the corresponding online Yahoo! Groups of people dedicated to each of the UCRCoA ten (10) main Focus Areas, linked per our Mission Statement:
The two (2) National Board Directors from each given Region, along with their own six (6) Regional Leaders, are the eight (8) people who are in total, overall charge of their same *Regional* ParentStock annual Event, including grounds layout, deciding exact times and "topical tracks" of all speakers, seminars, etc., and virtually everything involved for the Event:
---> ALL public-side Leaders
Time-Zones are important to keep in mind, especially for higher leadership, and for some States' activities.  The *official* time for everything that UCRCoA does, like conference calls, public shows, timing of speakers at events.. everything.. is based upon and is the official U.S. Time at, so there is never any confusion as to what time is "the" time.
The number ONE goal, overall, of EVERY Leader in UCRCoA, in order to do *everything* that we do BETTER and FASTER, is to finish recruiting listed leaders to cover the remaining "red" Counties out there.  Out of all 3140 USA Counties ("Boroughs" for Alaska, "Parishes" for Louisiana) and Independent Cities, the vast majority of the entire American population lives in less than 1000 of those Counties/etc.  Our "red" Counties are simply the ones that have a recent Census population of 50,000 or more, there are approx 950 of those same larger-populated Counties, and we already have listed leadership coverage for well over 700 of them, so far..  Once we get over 900 of these same larger Counties covered by a listed warm body for contact, etc., we will finally be able to leverage about 6/7ths of the entire US population... enough to do basically whatever we want and need to do, anywhere, at anytime, and we will have Victory.
If you have Faith in yourself, passion for reform to protect The Family, and you're ready to rock-n-rollout Justice across all of America, in rapid, determined style, please DO go ahead and CLAIM your new power, just like that, by volunteering as high as you want to go within any available, matching position for UCRCoA leadership, right now. Get mad. Get serious. TAKE your new power, just promise to use it, and show us that you deserved it.  Choose your new involved role, now.
Just fill out the short online form at the top of the page, for either
UCRCoA County Leadership:
UCRCoA State Leadership:
and for Upper leadership roles, use the State form, don't forget your best photo, and request your desired new upper leadership role in the "notes/comments" box there, or just email me directly.
Sincerest Regards,
Mr. Torm Howse
Co-Founder, National Board Director, Instructor,
United Civil Rights Councils of America
General Contact:
(317) 286-2538 office
(888) 738-4643 fax